Thursday, Oct. 09, 2008

Caesars Palace

Opened in 1966, Caesars was Las Vegas's first foray into over-the-top themed opulence, and the classic bubbling fountains, trompe l'oeil ceilings, and Roman statuary live on in this ever-expanding empire. A $1-billion expansion in 2009 will include a new 665-room Octavius Tower, three new swimming pools, and a giant convention center. That's not to say options are limited now: The expansive, 1,000-room Augustus Tower is barely two years old, and all its rooms are a minimum of 650 sq. ft., with marble baths and oversize soaking tubs. You could check in and never leave this self-contained city, which has some of the best restaurants on the Strip. Bradley Ogden is a James Beard Award-winner; Payard Patisserie & Bistro has just opened an outpost; and unlike its legendary Harlem location, you can actually get a table at Rao's in Caesars Palace.

Insider Tip: Head to the marble halls of Appian Way to gawk at an exact replica of Michelangelo's David, made from Carrara marble.

Room to Book: Room 3762 in the Augustus Tower, with a sweeping view of the Strip.