GEEKS' REVENGE Just 25 years ago, these folks (in a '78 photo) were undatable. Look what's become of Microsoft's original staff members--and their estimated worth (EW)
BILL GATES (1), co-founder. Now: chairman; EW: $62 billion
PAUL ALLEN (2), co-founder. Now: sports-team owner, philanthropist; EW: $21 billion
BOB GREENBERG (3), programmer. Now: makes golf software; EW: $20 million
JIM LANE (4), project manager. Now: runs own software company; EW: $20 million
GORDON LETWIN (5), programmer. Now: green philanthropist; EW: $20 million
ANDREA LEWIS (6), technical writer. Now: free-lance journalist; EW: $2 million
MARC MCDONALD (7), programmer. Now: works for software company; EW: $1 million
BOB O'REAR (8), chief mathematician. Now: cattle rancher; EW: $100 million
BOB WALLACE (9), production manager-designer. Now: psychedelic-drug advocate; EW: $5 million
STEVE AND MARLA WOOD (10), programmer and bookkeeper. Now: He runs a telecommunications company, and she volunteers. EW: $15 million
Sources: Most recent proxy statement, Microsoft; Associated Press