ALAN SHEPARD was many things. He was a patriot, a leader, a competitor, a hero, a friend. When we seven were named America's first astronauts, Al stood out. I had first met him when we were test pilots, but not until the Mercury program did I see the determination, toughness and courage of Alan Shepard.
Remember, it was the depths of the cold war. After Sputnik, our technological superiority was questioned; we were being beaten by a country that bragged, "America will sleep under a Russian moon." But Al brought us back. He brought us back by carrying the American questing spirit on his shoulders into the heavens. He brought us back because he took the Soviet challenge not only as a patriot--he took it personally.
All seven of us saw the failures in those early Redstone rocket tests, but that didn't deter us--especially not Al. Waiting in his capsule through yet another delay before his historic mission, we heard him bark, "Why don't you fix your little problem and light this candle?" That moment says more about Alan Shepard than anything else.
America has lost one of its true adventurers, and Scott, Gordo, Wally and I have lost another brother. Al is now on the ultimate high flight. We will all miss him very much.
--Senator John Glenn