JAMES W. ROUSE: 1914-1996

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New York City's South Street Seaport, St. Louis Station and other similar developments followed. Not all were successful: Rouse projects in smaller cities like Toledo, Ohio, and Richmond, Virginia, were financial flops, proving that street jugglers and candle shops cannot solve every city's economic woes. By that time, however, Rouse had retired from active management of his company and formed the Enterprise Foundation, which has financed 61,000 homes for the poor since 1981 and worked on solving inner-city problems like joblessness and drugs. Profit, he insisted, should never be the primary motive for a developer: "What should be important is to produce something of benefit to mankind. If that happens, then the profit will be there." Rouse was one master builder whose idealism, like his ideas, never flagged.

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