An Armed Fanatic Raises the Stakes

A deadly rampage at two clinics shocks Boston and raises a national outcry over unchecked antiabortion terrorism

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Attorney General Reno says there is only so much her department can do. But a Planned Parenthood spokesman insists the Beacon Street clinic had been receiving more threats than usual over the past month -- perhaps because it is one of 20 facilities around the country testing RU-486, the so-called French abortion pill. Some Beacon Street clinic workers claim they had asked the local Justice Department office to supply protection -- a charge the U.S. Attorney would not discuss.

With Salvi in custody, any threat he might pose is over. But how many others like him are out there, waiting to act? If it wasn't already clear to law- enforcement officials, abortion-rights activists and clinic workers, it should now be tragically evident that the safeguards that exist to protect a woman's right to abortion are not enough.

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