Baby-boomer Bill Clinton: A Generation Takes Power

As America's first baby-boomer President, Clinton will bring to the White House a fresh mental map of historical impressions and pop-cultural symbols

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A few weeks ago, on his campaign plane, Clinton allowed himself a moment of introspection about what his election would mean to a generation whose first political act was both protesting -- and serving in -- an unpopular war. "If I win," he said softly, "it will finally close the book on Vietnam." Whether marching in the streets or marching in uniform, Vietnam introduced baby boomers to the sober realities of power. Another generation chose Vietnam as a battleground, but in very personal terms Clinton and his peers had to face the consequences of that decision. Now a child of postwar prosperity has ascended to the presidency. How both Bill Clinton and his generation adjust to their newfound power will determine the fate not only of the baby boomers but of the nation itself.

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