Cinema: Motormouth In Saigon GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM

Directed by Barry Levinson Screenplay by Mitch Markowitz

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But, of course, outside the comfy studios the war is sneaking ever closer. At first it is not much more than a remote rumor to these civilians in uniform, a telex clattering more and more bad news that the censors will not let them report. But soon there is terrorism in Saigon's streets, a terrorist in Adrian's life, even terror in his heart when a reportorial mission in the field goes awry. Both compassion and panic invade his routines. Director Barry Levinson (Diner, Tin Men) has always been good at wiring comic asides to a delay fuse, but this entire movie works on that principle. You may be out on the sidewalk before you realize that these are not just broadcasters. They represent the confused voices of all America registering shock as solid- seeming ground turns to quagmire. You may be all the way home before you realize you may have seen not just the comedy (and the comic performance) of the year, but just possibly the most insinuatingly truthful movie yet about Viet Nam.

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