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Like most gaseous chemicals, man-made or natural, that reach the stratosphere, nitrous oxide tends to stay there. Indeed, a recent National Academy of Sciences report likened the upper atmosphere "to a city whose garbage is picked up every few years instead of daily." As long as five years after it leaves the ground, N2O may finally reach altitudes of 15 miles and above, where it is broken apart by the same ultraviolet radiation that creates ozone. The resulting fragments -- called radicals -- attack and destroy more ozone molecules. Another ozone killer is methane, a carbon-hydrogen compound produced by microbes in swamps, rice paddies and the intestines of sheep, cattle and termites.
For millenniums, the process of ozone production and destruction has been more or less in equilibrium. Then in 1928 a group of chemists at General Motors invented a nontoxic, inert gas (meaning that it does not easily react with other substances) that was first used as a coolant in refrigerators. By the 1960s, manufacturers were using similar compounds, generically called chlorofluorocarbons, as propellants in aerosol sprays. As industrial chemicals, they were ideal. "The propellants had to be inert," says Chemist Ralph Cicerone, of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. "You didn't want the spray in a can labeled 'blue paint' to come out red. Since then the growth of CFCs has been fabulous, and they've been pretty useful." Indeed, CFCs turned out to be a family of miracle chemicals: produced at a rate of hundreds of thousands of tons yearly, they seemed almost too good to be true.
They were. In 1972 Rowland heard a report that trace amounts of CFCs had been found in the atmosphere in both the northern and southern hemispheres. What were they doing there? The answer, as Rowland and his colleague, Mario Molina, soon found, was that there was nowhere else for them to go but into the atmosphere. CFCs in aerosol cans are sprayed directly into the air, they escape from refrigerator coils, and they evaporate quickly from liquid cleaners and slowly from plastic foams.
In the troposphere, CFCs are immune to destruction. But in the stratosphere, they break apart easily under the glare of ultraviolet light. The result: free chlorine atoms, which attack ozone to form chlorine monoxide (ClO) and O2. The ClO then combines with a free oxygen atom to form O2 and a chlorine atom. The chain then repeats itself. "For every chlorine atom you release," says Rowland, "100,000 molecules of ozone are removed from the atmosphere."
In 1974 Rowland and Molina announced their conclusion: CFCs were weakening the ozone layer enough to cause a marked increase in skin cancers, perhaps enough to perturb the planet's climate by rejuggling the stratosphere's temperature profile. In 1978 the U.S. banned their use in spray cans. "People assumed the problem had been solved," recalls Rowland. But the Europeans continued to use CFCs in aerosol cans; other uses of CFCs began to increase worldwide. Says Rowland: "All along, critics complained that ozone depletion was not based on real atmospheric measurements -- until, that is, the ozone hole appeared. Now we're not talking about ozone losses in 2050. We're talking about losses last year."