The Iranscam Trail

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New York Businessman Roy Furmark tells Casey that Khashoggi's Canadian partners have not been repaid for their investments and are threatening legal action.

The Canadians suspect that the arms money

has been funneled to the contras.

Casey goes to Poindexter

with Furmark's news.

Oct. 26-27

The U.S. sends a final shipment of arms to Iran.

Nov. 2

Hostage David Jacobsen is released.

Nov. 4

Lebanese magazine Al Shiraa breaks the story of U.S. dealings with Iran. Parliamentary Speaker Hashemi Rafsanjani confirms that McFarlane visited Tehran with a planeload of weapons.

Nov. 25

After three weeks of controversy over the Iran arms deals, Meese discloses the contra connection but claims that only North and Poindexter knew of the entire operation. Both men leave the NSC.

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