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A. Are there no terrorist acts that take place in the U.S.? If we accept your logic, then we have to conclude that somehow these acts were arranged or condoned by the U.S. government. If foreign missions [in the U.S.] are attacked, are we to hold the U.S. responsible? We have had terrorist acts committed in recent years in Syria. Are we to say that the Syrian government was behind them? Why are we to be held responsible for an act that took place in Beirut when we have no presence in Beirut? Some American officials have made such accusations, but I doubt that they believe what they say. I told one of them that if we failed to prevent such acts in areas under our control, why did the Lebanese Army then fail to prevent those who carried out these acts from passing through areas under its control? And why did the other Lebanese forces also fail to prevent them from crossing their areas? Why did the American forces fail? In other words, all those who failed are not responsible except for Syria. There is no logic in this.
Q. Did King Hussein learn from you when he made his recent remarks about the U.S.?
A. [He laughs.] I wish he did learn. We are facing a very serious situation. Israel wants our land, wants Jordan and wants Saudi Arabia. Facing such a situation we are bound to learn, and that guarantees that King Hussein as well as others will also learn.