Show Business: Sex Rock

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The stations do. "People just want to dance and get it on," says Tom Yates of L.A.'s KLOS-FM, an opinion confirmed by market researchers employed by the largest stations. Still, nothing can be left to chance. At Preview House in Los Angeles, new songs are tested before a demographically selected group of 400 teenagers. As each number is played, the kids turn their dials between Very Dull and Very Good. Some seats are equipped with "basal skin response sensors," to measure the involuntary spasms of the nervous system. "An orgasm sound never fails to produce a sharp spike in the BSR response," says Larry Heller, music director of Preview House. TV viewers need not feel jealous. They can get their own kick every time a Bic ballpoint pen commercial comes on with its "Flick my Bic" punch line.

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