Sport: Money in the Bank

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Only a few hundred players make the grade in the majors, but those who do these days need only a minimal skill at managing their own finances to become men of means. Though few will become a Joe DiMaggio, the poor fisherman's son who rose to fame, wealth and social prestige, most will merit Professor Gregory's envious comment on the Yankee Clipper: "And the Lorde was with Joseph, and he was a luckie fellowe" (Genesis 39: 2, Tyndale's translation).

*Some who have tried: Joe DiMaggio, Tommy Henrich, Dizzy Trout, Waite Hoyt, Gus Mancuso, Jack Graney, Harry Heilman, Gabby Street, Pie Traynor, Bump Hadley, Mickey Heath, Dizzy ("He slud into second") Dean, Buddy Blattner, Frankie Frisch.

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