FARMERS: 'Bootleg Slavery

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Meantime, the Administration's agriculturalists cast about for means of remedial legislative action. Best bet, according to Dr. Tugwell, was a bill recently introduced in the Senate by Alabama's Bankhead, to set up a Farm Tenant Homes Corp. financed by the sale of one billion dollars worth of bonds. FTHC would try to establish share croppers on land they could acquire for themselves by easy payments within 50 years. Under Secretary Tugwell, whose mind never lacks for invention, thought the homes might be established in little villages, European-peasant-style, because the share croppers "like to be together."

Political wiseacres observed that some sort of legislative palliative for the masses in Southern agriculture had better be forthcoming soon from the Administration, because share croppers have been making the best sort of recruits for Huey Long's rabid band of Share-the-Wealthers.

* For news of children starving elsewhere, see p. 22.

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