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Faith. Venerable Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, scientist and spiritualist, preached a Sunday rhapsody. Dressed in his academic robes, a bible in his hands, his white beard faintly moving like a mystic voice, he cried his faith:
"Problems do not get easier as the World grows older. The extraordinary multiplicity of plants and animals is astounding. What an imagination the Creator must have had! Our growth of knowledge of the planetary system shows that everything is governed by one system of law. Order permeates all space which leads us to postulate the existence of some great being who controls all."
*Charles Darwin noticed that people cutting with a pair of scissors often moved their jaws sympathetically. This seems the rational explanation for typists chewing gum. *London's tides fluctuate 16 to 20 ft. t Discoverer of the cosmic ray was Dr. Werner Kolhoerster, Germany.