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But how do we transform these basically antisocial structures with the urgency that is required? Not by a vague third force. The Democratic Party is where the overwhelming bulk of the reform forces—trade unionists, minorities, women, the issue constituencies—is concentrated. As a Democratic Socialist and an elected delegate to the Democratic Party's recent Kansas City mini-convention, I have no illusion that it is as radical as the times demand. But it is just the only place where a beginning can be made. If Tom McCall wants to be an effective iconoclast, he should quit the party of Hoover, Nixon and Ford and join not a third force, but the only alternative we have—the Democrats.
Michael Harrington, Chairman
Democratic Socialist Organizing
Committee, New York City
The writer was national chairman of the Socialist Party (1968-72) and is author of The Other America.
Hooray for Tom McCall! Nobody can be perfect to everybody, particularly in politics, but what McCall has done for Oregon is a monumental achievement. Perhaps the rest of the country could use more environmental conservation and thoughtfulness, and less concrete, plastic, neon and selfishness.
John C. Binley
Diamond Point, N. Y.
I nominate Tom McCall to run for President in 1976 on a People's Party ticket. As far as can be seen at present, it's politics as usual with other aspiring candidates. Most are thinking in terms of what is good for the party. What is needed is a person thinking in terms of what is good for the people.
(The Rev.) K. Jay Bishop
Appraising Amnesty
What ever do you mean when you say that the amnesty program seems bound to end with a sense of "sour failure" [Dec. 23]? A generous offer has been made. As to whether these people accept it or not—who cares?
I do not rule out the possibility that some of them may have been genuinely misguided and may now be repentant, and I am very glad that these, if any, have had their chance at rehabilitation. As for the rest, most of us would much prefer that they stay where they are. I am glad that President Ford made his offer, and I am equally glad that the country does not have to reabsorb many of these men. The sour failure looks to me like a smashing success.
D.R. Wilson
Washington, D.C.
You say that the offer to allow draft evaders and deserters to work their way back into American society has produced discouraging results. Discouraging to whom? The walking holders of the Purple Heart medal? The wrecks who serve out their time in veterans' hospitals? The holders of the Congressional Medal of Honor? The bereaved gold star mothers?
No way!
Edward C. Goodwin
Seaford, Del.
Fast Democracy in Greece
Many Greeks will take exception to the statement in TIME [Dec. 9] that "Greece is slowly returning to a democratic form of government."
Since last July the Greeks have sent the colonels packing, received a caretaker government for some weeks, elected a completely democratic government, rejected the return of monarchy, and decided to elect a head of state. Is this "slow" progress toward democracy?
Pericles Kollas
Litter v. Pollution