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The FBI investigation has found hotel records proving that a Provenzano courier was in Las Vegas on Jan. 6. Colson's White House calendar, obtained by Watergate investigators in 1974, is blank for the weekend of the 6th and 7th. But it shows that Colson spoke with Fitzsimmons on Monday, Jan. 8. Interviewed by FBI agents last February, Colson denied any knowledge of the Teamster money.
Justice Department officials now plan to question three other former Nixon associates, John Ehrlichman, H.R. ("Bob") Haldeman and John Mitchell, who are in prison for their roles in the Watergate coverup. The investigators also are considering interrogating Nixon, who is immune from any punishment for federal crimes committed during his years in office because of the pardon received from Gerald Ford. One of the chief questions is what happened to the money. By an informant's account, the cash was never used by Nixon aides, apparently because they decided that the coverup was coming apart and paying hush money was futile. But investigators have not yet been able to track the money beyond Las Vegas.