MOZAMBIQUE: Dismantling the Portuguese Empire

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Whites are presently crowding aboard planes at Luanda's Craveiro Lopes Airport at the rate of 500 per day, but there are not enough flights to satisfy the demand. In all, about 100,000 Portuguese have left Angola since the coup in Lisbon last year, reducing the territory's relatively large white population to about 400,000, but many more are anxious to leave. A Portuguese truck driver named Guilherme dos Santos is organizing a full-scale cross-Africa expedition of 2,000 trucks and 300 cars that will make the more than 3,000-mile journey overland to Morocco in a month's time. Once home, most of the emigres will presumably join the ranks of Portugal's destitute and unemployed, and practically to the last white Angolan, they will be angry opponents of the regime that turned them into refugees.

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