CRIME: The Hearst Nightmare

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1967. After working in Duluth as a social worker and later in Minneapolis as a counselor to unwed mothers, she moved to Berkeley in 1970 and until a year ago was Patricia Soltysik's lover. Last year Hall worked as a $4.18-an-hour parks attendant, but she considered herself to be an artist and poet. A sample: "I will cradle you/ In my woman hips/ Kiss you/ with my woman lips/ Fold you to my heart/ And sing:/ Sister woman, You are a joy to me."

EMILY SCHWARTZ HARRIS. Remembered by her Alpha Chi Omega sorority sisters at Indiana University as a "good dresser," she taught junior high school English for a year in Bloomington. Last year she and her husband William moved to Berkeley. She worked as a clerk typist at the University of California and became deeply involved in radical activities. She headed the Oakland Chino Defense Committee, which raised funds for the legal defense of members of the Venceremos and others accused of aiding a prison escape.

WILLIAM TAYLOR HARRIS. Radicalized by his experience as a Marine in Viet Nam, he earned a master's degree in urban education at Indiana University. He worked for the post office in Berkeley and became involved in the Venceremos and Viet Nam Veterans Against the War. On Jan. 10-the day Remiro and Little were arrested-the Harrises left their Oakland apartment so fast that there was still a pot of coffee on the stove waiting to be brewed.

NANCY LING PERRY. Once a high school cheerleader in Santa Rosa, Calif., she was a staunchly conservative supporter of Barry Goldwater for President in 1964. After a year at Whittier College, President Nixon's alma mater, she majored in English literature at Berkeley and graduated in 1970.

Hoping to go on to medical school, she took graduate chemistry courses and worked as a laboratory assistant to Biologist Robert Macy, who has described her as "interested in drugs and consciousness-raising-type pursuits." In February 1973, her six-year marriage to Black Pianist Gilbert Scott Perry broke up, and she began a drifting, seemingly aimless existence, working variously as a topless blackjack dealer in a North Beach nightclub and selling soft drinks from an outdoor stand. On Jan. 10 she fled a rented house in suburban Concord used by the S.L.A. as a headquarters, after trying to set fire to the contents, which included BB guns and maps which showed abandoned mines and ranger stations.


Raised in Goleta, a small seaside town near Santa Barbara, she moved to Berkeley in 1970. She changed her name to Mizmoon in honor of a poem written to her by Camilla Hall. After a year studying French and English at Berkeley, Mizmoon dropped out to work and threw herself into radical feminist activities. She supported herself as a part-time janitor at the Berkeley public library, where a co-worker remembers her as "a very gentle person."

THERO WHEELER. After spending much of his life in trouble with law enforcement authorities, he was sentenced to prison in August 1962 for second-degree robbery. Paroled in 1967, he was put into Vacaville the next year to receive psychiatric treatment. Once again paroled in January 1969, he was arrested ten months later, convicted of attacking a police officer in Los Angeles, and sentenced to six months to ten years. He was in several state penal institutions,

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