It's a Bird! It's a Dream! It's Supergull!

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homonymic seagull (Erich) turned his back on Love Story. "It's not for everybody," says Bach. "But nobody's read Jonathan yet and said 'It stimulated me to go out and kill the pigs.' "

Looking beyond Jonathan, Richard Bach is working on a scheme to set up a combination flight school and graduate seminar for people who now fly just O.K. but hope like Bach to use flying as a gateway to joy and wisdom. Only Bach could think up such a thing. But if the track record means anything, it will probably become the most sought-after place of higher learning since applications to Harvard and Yale began to sag. Whether his book raises tingles at the back of your neck or curdles your vichysoisse, it is hard not to believe that somebody up there loves Richard Bach. Maybe even the Great Gull himself.

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