POLITICS: Connolly in Motion

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In 1968, when Connally was in his third term as Governor of Texas, he told a friend: "I like to do the same thing you fellas do. I like to hunt. I like to fish and play golf. I also like to make a little money, but I can't do it here in the Governor's office." Finally back in private life, he has not had a weekend home with his wife and children in seven weeks. Telephone messages pile up so fast—50 or 60 before lunch—that he has to run to keep up with himself. But he is making money. "He's not rich compared with the rich people down there," says George Christian, Lyndon Johnson's former press secretary, "but he will be if he continues doing what he is doing."

The question for interested Republicans, notably Agnew, is how long before Connally starts doing something else—like open politicking. Quips a lawyer in his firm: "A race horse isn't going to be satisfied with a pasture." For the moment, however, Connally is in clover, and he seems to like it.

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