Television: The Unsinkable Tom Smothers

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Beautiful Intentions. The hope is based as much on advance planning and cash-flow charts as dreamy idealism. Since last spring, the mythful mentalities of young Americans have made Elder Brother Tommy, 32, into a kind of Che of the TV jungle, or a Malibu Marcuse. In speech after speech, he has pluckily insisted that "the Smothers Brothers show may never go on again, but we have to keep the issue alive —and I mean free speech."

He still intends to aim his show at "the young, the disaffected and the minority groups," but he has added another group: "Big business." Or, in other words, "not just the havenots, but also the haves who have something to say." Along these more practical lines, the Smotherses have also reorganized their production company. The trouble with the old company, says Tommy, is that "all our beautiful intentions didn't have a solid foundation of financial logic and production schedules behind them. We had all those long-haired creative types walking around, but none of those smart cats in brown shoes."

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