Ghana: On to Dictatorship

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∙Oyeadieyie—Renewer of all things.

∙Kasapreko—He who speaks once and for all.

Nkrumah's closest advisers are those who toady to him the most. Interior Minister Kwaku Boateng often throws himself on his knees in Nkrumah's presence and cries: "Osagyefo, you are my God." Other associates snicker at the Osagyefo legend, but exploit it to further their own ambition. Ghana's masses are openly skeptical of the Nkrumah cult. Hit in the pocketbook by prohibitive compulsory savings taxes and threatened with jail at every turn, they are in a rebellious frame of mind. Barricaded behind Bren guns in the presidential residence, Nkrumah is becoming increasingly aware of the people's mood and is fearful that they might find a strong leader to rally around. Hence his continued repression to prevent the people from short-circuiting Ahuna Bo Birim—for that may be the one unmanageable event that Bre Nsem Ase will not be able to handle.

* The New York Times's Henry Tanner was also served with an expulsion notice, which was later withdrawn.

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