Science: A.A.A.S.

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Officers. As its new president, the A. A. A. S. elected Director Arthur Amos Noyes of the Gates Chemical Laboratory (California Institute of Technology), onetime chairman of the National Research Council. Fifteen new vice presidents :

Mathematics — Dunham Jackson, University of Minnesota.

Physics — A. H. Compton, University of Chicago.

Chemistry — Roger Adams, University of Illinois.

Astronomy — W. S. Adams, Mount Wilson Observatory.

Geology & Geography — Charles Schuchert, Yale University.

Zoology — C. E. McClung, University of Pennsylvania.

Botany — William Crocker, Thompson Institution for Plant Research.

Anthropology — R. J. Terry, Washington University.

Psychology — Knight Dunlap, Johns Hopkins University.

Social & Economic Science — W. S. Leathers, Vanderbilt University.

History & Philosophy — Harry Elmer Barnes, Smith College.

Engineering — A. N. Talbot, University of Illinois.

Medicine — G. Canby Robinson, Medical School of Vanderbilt University.

Agriculture — L. E. Call, Kansas State Agricultural College.

Education — A. T. Gates, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Award. To Professor George David Birkhoff of Harvard University went the Association's annual prize of $1,000 for the "most notable contribution to the advancement of science." Professor Birkhoff had offered "A Mathematical Critique of Some Physical Theories," a paper submitting new equations to clarify the Einstein theory, and to lead away from the quantum theory, of the nature of matter.

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