SRI LANKA: All in the Family

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That move was popular with almost everyone. What outraged the Trotskyites, apart from being bounced from the government, was the effort by Felix Bandaranaike to abandon two of their cherished measures: a compulsory savings system and a ceiling on income. Last week the Trotskyites, who have 16 seats in Parliament to a government voting strength of 99, gave notice that they would call for a vote of no confidence in Parliament later this month. In the unlikely event that the Trotskyites should win, Mrs. Bandaranaike would be forced to call elections.

The Prime Minister, however, is determined not to call elections before August, when the 80-member conference of nonaligned countries will meet in Sri Lanka. No effort is being spared by the government to beautify and modernize the capital, Colombo, for the conference. The airport highway is being rebuilt. A new luxury hotel, the Lanka Oberoi, has just opened, and a new long-distance telephone system is being installed. With a little help from the family, as it were, few in Sri Lanka doubt that Mrs. Bandaranaike will be able to survive the showdown with the Trotskyites to preside over the conference.

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