Religion: The Debate over Catholic Marriage

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Roman Catholic Moral Theologian Bernard Raring, professor at Alfonsiana Academy in Rome's Pontifical Lateran University, suggests that a valid marriage might never grow into a sacramental marriage. "If a marriage is dead," he argues, "it has no sacramental value. Even if it were a valid marriage, it is no longer valid if it has died." Three Jesuits at Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University have even asked whether sacramental marriage vows, like solemn religious vows, might not be subject to church dispensation. Monsignor Pospishil, in Divorce and Remarriage, indeed flatly affirms that the church's "power of the keys" clearly extends to sacramental marriage. Such new views, predict West and Francis, will be a long time taking hold. In the meantime, they argue, tolerance can go a long way toward assuaging the anguish of so many Catholics.

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