Letters: Jun. 14, 1963

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The article has, however, overlooked the transcendingly important fact that no matter how we slice a pregnant woman, she nevertheless becomes an obstetrical "cripple."

Despite improved statistics and meticulous surgical skill, there is still a small incidence of weakened uterine scars and extensive postoperative adhesions that might make further pregnancies undesirable and dangerous.

LEVON BEDROSIAN, M.D. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Albany Medical College Albany, N.Y.

Good Old Pure Oil


Your June 7 Indianapolis "500" article was, in the usual TIME-like fashion, the greatest-bright, interesting and informative, as no other magazine can be. But that "good old Esso pump" from which the Lotus race cars "got their nourishment" had a Pure Oil Company sign on it and Pure Firebird Gasoline in it.

J. C. BRADFORD Pure Oil Co. Palatine, 111.

Nelson Algren's Boyhood


When you talk about the struggles of Nelson Algren's childhood in tough old Chicago [May 31] you're making a liar out of me to my wife. "Swede" Algren and I were close friends from the time we were 13 until after college, including a memorable Depression summer when we hitchhiked down to the lower Rio Grande valley in Texas.

It's true that he worked his way through the University of Illinois, but generally Swede and I had a pretty carefree time in our teens. The point is, the Nelson Algren I grew up with had an ordinary boyhood without hunger, fear or deprivation. He's a great writer without the hoked-up background.


Clutching Clio


My commercial for Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry won a Clio at the American TV Commercials Festival.

My boss was happy with the recognition. My client was happy with the honor. My children were happy with the statuette. My wife was happy with her husband. Even I was happy just being one of "the poor geniuses who think up commercials."

Then I read TIME, May 31.

I really can't explain why, but somehow I'm still happy.


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