¶5printing the last quarter at Melbourne 0:58.4, Australia's Mervyn Lincoln flashed through the mile in 3:59, one second off the world record held by Countryman John Landy, became the eleventh runner in history to crack the rapidly disintegrating four-minute-mile barrier.
¶While his rivals tacked over the longer blue-water route, Cuba's Dr. Luis Vidana daringly skippered his Criollo, a 67-ft. yawl with a 9-ft. draft, through shoal waters, sailed off with first place in the 24th St. Petersburg-Havana race and a sure grip on the Southern Ocean Racing Conference-championship. "If you do not take hances," Vidana quipped, "you might as well stay home and fix the garden." ¶When The Netherlands pulled its team out of last fall's Olympic Games because of international tensions, 16-year-old Ti-neke Lageberg lost a big chance to show what she could do. Last week, wildly windmilling through the water, she clipped a whopping 11.4 seconds off the official world's record for the women's 220-yd butterfly, firmly established herself as one of history's greatest swimmers.