Music: The Manager

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In the Spotlight. In his long career Judson survived many attacks. But last spring New York Times Music Critic Howard Taubman let fly with a full-page analysis of the orchestra's troubles, some of which he traced directly to Judson and Zirato, e.g., an unprovable but widespread suspicion that the managers were hiring more Columbia artists than they should for appearances with the orchestra. The article simply played the spotlight on a series of old complaints, and Judson would no doubt have survived again. But he was 75, and so it seemed a good time for him to retire.

Musical Director Mitropoulos also seemed to be getting tired of the Philharmonic feuds, recently told a Vienna newspaper that this will be his last season with the orchestra. He added: "If I were in Judson's position, I would have resigned a long time ago, to take a rest after such glorious activity. It takes a great character to resign in time."

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