THEATER: On Broadway, Aug. 24, 1959


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(3 of 3)

Senator Joe McCarthy, by Richard Rovere. A well-balanced account of the man whom Reporter Rovere regards as the Dead End Kid of U.S. politics.

Richard Nixon, by Earl Mazo. An expert biography, flattering but far from a campaign puff-piece.

The Maxims of La Rochefoucauld, translated by Louis Kronenberger. The power of negative thinking, as demonstrated by the sharp-tongued 17th century courtier, soldier and cynic.

Best Sellers

FICTION 1. Lady Chatterley's Lover, Lawrence (2) -*

2. Exodus, Uris (1)

3. The Ugly American, Lederer and Burdick (3)

4. Doctor Zhivago, Pasternak (5)

5. Dear and Glorious Physician, Caldwell (4)

6. Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris, Gallico

7. The Tents of Wickedness, De Vries (6)

8. Celia Garth, Bristow (7)

9. The Light Infantry Ball, Basso (10) 10. Wake Up, Stupid, Harris (9)


1. The Status Seekers, Packard (1)

2. For 2¢ Plain, Golden (2)

3. The Years with Ross, Thurber (3)

4. How I Turned $1,000 into $1,000,000 in Real Estate, Nickerson (4)

5. Mine Enemy Grows Older, King (5)

6. Senator Joe McCarthy, Rovere

7. The Elements of Style, Strunk and White (9)

8. Richard Nixon, Mazo (6)

9. Folk Medicine, Jarvis (7)

10. Belle Out of Order, Livingstone

*All times E.D.T. *Position on last week's list.

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