AUTOS: Rambler in High Gear

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Judgment Confirmed. Romney is ready for them, feels that when "the Big Three come into the field, the move itself will confirm our judgment. At the same time, their advertising should enlarge the market."

Moreover, Romney points out. the Big Three will be selling as much against their own established big-car lines as against the Rambler, and "from experience, we know this is a handicap." While automen still do not know how big the compact-car market will be, they feel that it is far bigger than they estimated a year ago. In it, Romney thinks his position is well buttressed. "It is doubtful," he says, "if any Big Three maker could profitably operate a compact-car division with double our 120,000-car break-even. We expect a battle and a lot heavier competition. But a lot of it will come from us."

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