Bishop Fulton Sheen
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Three years ago, Sheen offered a prayer before the U.S. Congress which all Americans might take to heart: "Gentlemen . . . you ought to pray to God now as never before . . . You ought to pray that God, the sovereign King of nations, who once used Assyria as the rod and staff of His anger, will not now use Russia as the instrument of His justice for the liquidation of a Western World that has forgotten God . . . You ought to pray that our beloved country . . . may one day fulfill its glorious and certain vocation of being the secondary cause by which God will give freedom to the people of Russia and peace and order to all the world. Instead, then, of perfunctorily praying to God and then tabling the prayer as 'finished business,' we say to you: Gentlemen, this is the unfinished business—your prayers . . . God love you."