INDIA-PAKISTAN: The Trial of Kali

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*A Hindu reformist sect founded by Guru Nanak, a contemporary of Luther. *The Nawab Saheb of Junagadh once threw away 100,000 rupees on the wedding of his prize Airedale bitch, which wore ribbons to the ceremony; vows were read for her and her dog. *In 1802, after the Peace of Amiens, a group of British residents of Calcutta presented the temple of Kali with 5,000 rupees as a thank offering for victories over Napoleon. A century later Kali became a symbol of anti-British Indian nationalism, a place to which Mahatma Gandhi succeeded. That this substitution was only temporary was indicated not only by the killing but by Gandhi's recent loss of popularity among Hindus. Because he preached communal peace, Hindu extremists last week had begun to call him "the Mudathma," meaning "stupid one." †Until about a century ago, the sheep was customary. The cow was a vindictive, communal-minded substitution.

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