Transport: Waiting Room

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New Theories. Chief Boatswain's Mates Frederick J. Tobin and William F. Bishop recalled seeing what they thought was temporary tackle on a rudder which might have torn loose, caused the spark which set the fire. This tackle turned out to be standard equipment. Harder to lay was the two boatswains' other recollection —that the two rudders were working at cross purposes instead of synchronizing. Also under consideration was the possibility that part of a propeller flew off into the belly of the ship.

Most ironic note in the whole tragedy came this week with the award to Dr. Hugo Eckener of the Daniel Guggenheim Medal for 1937. Given annually to the man considered to have rendered the greatest service to aviation science, the medal was accompanied by the citation "for his ability to continue to make the airship one of the great factors in world air transport." The award committee abashedly confessed that the selection of Dr. Eckener was made months ago.

* Chairman South Trimble Jr., solicitor of the Department of Commerce; Major Rudolph William ("Shorty") Schroeder, assistant director of the Bureau of Air Commerce; Dennis Mulligan, the Bureau's chief of regulations and enforcement.

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