Nigeria: The Little Country That Won't Give Up

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More than 50,000 people have been killed on both sides in the civil war, which has also brought thousands of refugees, mostly Ibo, from the rest of Nigeria crowding into already overpopulated Biafra. Ojukwu insists that Biafra's sovereignty is not negotiable, has arrested 600 persons he suspects of plotting to bring about a compromise. For his part, Gowon does not seem to be demanding Ojukwu's removal anymore, but does persist in his plan to carve the Eastern Region into three states, only one of which would be reserved for the Ibo. Weeks overdue, an Organization of African Unity mission recently came to Lagos to offer mediation. Its usefulness is limited because Ojukwu knows that the OAU regards secession as a dangerous precedent that might be tempting to tribal groups in other nations.

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