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Last week, asked on TV when he thought Congress would adjourn, Ev replied: "I could say, 'Get your Thanksgiving turkey now,' or 'Buy the trimmings for your Christmas tree.' We have some vitality and if 14(b) is going to be dished up, I can assure you that there is going to be an extended discussion." In his office are some 3,000 newspaper editorials opposing repeal, and, says Ev, "every one will be read into the Congressional Record." Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield has planned no round-the-clock, filibuster-busting sessions. "At some point," he said, "we'll have to have a test of strength and we'll be guided by the results."
Most observers feel that Mansfield has the votes (51) to pass the repeal bill, but not enough (67) to stop a filibuster. Why not just postpone everything for next session? If that is done, the bill becomes the first order of business for the new Senate in January, and Dirksen has promised to be just as adamant then.