Races: Explosion of Hate

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Last week Washington's Public School Superintendent Carl F. Hansen set up a twelve-man citizens' committee to investigate the causes—and possible cures—for such rioting. But Monsignor John S. Spence, director of education for the archdiocese of Washington, threw up his hands. Noting that "brutal lawlessness" had occurred on Thanksgiving Day, he declared a moratorium on championship football and basketball games between Catholic and public high schools. Washington Correspondent Booker probably had the wisest words of all to say. Wrote he to the newspapers: "Negro leadership in Washington has a responsibility to tackle this problem of rowdyism and juvenile delinquency, not by excuses or statements but by planned community-wide programs. Integration demands responsible citizens, and we must take the first step."

*When a bloody brawl was touched off by Negro Heavyweight Champion Jack Johnson's defeat of white Challenger Jim Jeffries.

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