THE STATES: The Governors

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¶ Husky (6 ft. 6 in., 251 Ibs.) Conservative Elbert Nostrand Carvel, 50, a glad-handing raconteur and an uncommonly shrewd politician, led the Democratic ticket in Delaware, won a second term as Governor (his first: 1949-53) from Republican John William Rollins, a wealthy Georgia-born wheeler-dealer (auto sales and rentals, TV stations).

¶ In Vermont, youthful (33) Republican Frank Ray Keyser Jr., speaker of the state house of representatives and a firm believer in tightly budgeted government, sailed to an easy victory over his Democratic opponent, State Senator Russell Niquette, 53.

¶ Liberal, reform-minded Democrat Matthew Welsh, a lawyer and veteran state legislator, bucked Indiana's strong Republican trend, won a stunning but ever-so-narrow personal victory over G.O.P. Lieutenant Governor Crawford Parker, a conservative small-town storekeeper.

¶ Across Maine, short-time Republican Incumbent (by virtue of his predecessor's death ten months ago) John Reed was not nearly so well known as his Democratic opponent, able Congressman Frank Coffin. Coffin had been the architect of his party's recent statewide revival. But Coffin lost in the Republican sweep. Said Surprise Victor Reed: "I can't believe it."

¶ The polls guessed that Incumbent Gaylord Anton Nelson, 44, a social-reforming liberal with an impressive first-term record, would clobber Milwaukee Republican Reactionary Philip Kuehn, 40, by at least 300.000 votes. In his state's unexpected Nixon tide, Nelson had to settle for far, far less, yet became Wisconsin's first Democrat in this century to win two terms as Governor.

¶ In Iowa. Republican Attorney General Norman Erbe, a Lutheran and a conservative, handily defeated Democratic Lieutenant Governor Edward McManus, a Catholic and a liberal, thus succeeds Democratic, Protestant, conservative Governor Herschel Loveless.

¶ Washington's Democratic Incumbent Albert ("The Rose") Rosellini had the kind of rocky first-term record that would send many a Governor down to jolting defeat. But Old Pol Rosellini also has a slick-running machine. He trounced conservative Spokane Republican Lloyd Andrews, former superintendent of public instruction, headed for a scarcely warranted second term.

¶ A sizable bloc of Montana Democrats were privately (and some even publicly) rooting for conscientious Republican Donald Nutter in his campaign against pompous, erratic Democratic Lieutenant Governor Paul Cannon. Nutter won in a breeze.

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