THIRD PARTIES: It's a Free Country

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Washington Peace. For President, Mrs. Ellen Linea W. Jensen, 50-year-old Miami grandmother and astrologist who claims to be in close communion with George Washington "on the other side"; for Vice President, a man whose identity Mrs. Jensen doesn't feel free to reveal. Candidate Jensen, who says she was a "Himalayan Master" in a previous incarnation, promises to stamp out Communism "within nine minutes" of her inauguration. Though her party is "very loosely organized" and has only "a bare possibility" of getting on the ballot in Texas and Washington, Mrs. Jensen believes she is a shoo-in, since her horoscope is favorable.

American Vegetarian. For President, Brigadier General Herbert C. Holdridge (ret..); for Vice President, Symon Gould, a N.Y. rare-book dealer. The party is firmly pacifist and opposes the slaughter of "any living thing." "We believe," says Gould, "women should be childbearing instead of fur-bearing." The Vegetarians don't want to get on any ballot. "The only good parties are those that don't get on the ballot." says Gould. "If we got into office, we'd probably be like the Republicans and the Democrats. Only thing they have is power. And you know about power. Breeds evil,"

*Colonel McCormick is on somewhat stronger ground here than in his claim that he personally introduced the machine gun into the U.S. Army. The colonel's grandfather, Publisher Joseph Medill, did play an important part in the organization of the Republican Party and is believed to have been the first man to advocate the name "Republican."

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