Canada: ONTARIO: The Dick Affair

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After nine days and 42 witnesses, the case went last week to the twelve-man jury, which needed only an hour and 52 minutes to decide that the Crown's story was the correct one. The verdict : "Guilty." Ontario Supreme Court Justice F. H. Barlow pronounced sentence: ". . . solitary confinement until the seventh day of January, when you shall be taken to the place of execution and there hanged by the neck until dead." (A woman has not been hanged in Canada in eleven years. But four women were under sentence of death in the Dominion last week.) The trial of Bohozuk and Evelyn's father opened next day, then was postponed because Evelyn refused to testify against them.

† Not to be confused with Washington, D.C. Hostess (Father Struck It Rich) Evalyn Walsh McLean, no kin.

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