Cultural Lag. In Spokane, Leo Sol-Louse, an Indian, explained to police the wound on his forehead: a couple of Canadian braves had tried to scalp him.
The Big City. In Trieste, Bruno Nidoldi was arrested for selling some out-of-towners a sunken battleship.
Couture. In Hollywood appeared a dress with a bustle that would light up when it was wiggled.
Dun. In Memphis, Fred and Fondo Kountz quietly moved into a vacant house, 25 years later had to start paying rent when the landlord turned up.
Duel. In La Porte, Ind., Joseph E. Machinski, 27, and Anthony S. Magglio, 25, who had terrorized innocent café patrons, were arrested and fined $1 apiece (plus costs) for blazing away at each other with their cap pistols.
Double Indemnity. In Pennsauken, N.J., Robert Burns was fined $222.50 for drunkenly driving on to a lawn, Clarence Trotter $222.50 for drunkenly driving off it.
O.K., K. In Philadelphia, an alert civic organization investigated some mysterious communications, relaxed when it learned that the initials on the notes belonged to one Katherine K. Kirk.
Road to Riches. In Johannesburg, the city council finally learned why some local road building was proceeding so slowly: people kept finding gold in the crushed rock.
Journey's End. In Turkey Point, Md., Fannie Salter quit her job as lighthouse-keeper after 23 years, explained simply: "Fallen arches."
Remedy. In Houston, lucky Mabel Boling finally got rid of her case of hiccups in a three-way auto smashup and explosion.
Reformation. In Honolulu, Tattoo Artist Urbano Manipon got a jail sentence for sketching a naked girl on a minor's arm, got the sentence suspended when he added a hula skirt.
Inflation. In Orange, N.J., patrons of Willie's Diner watched fascinated as a drunk garnished his hamburgers with four $1 bills and a fiver, gobbled it all down.
Life of Riley. In Moscow appeared skis with wheels, for conversion to scooters.
In the Soup. In Naboomspruit, Transvaal, Solomon Macheke got three months at hard labor (and five strokes of the lash) for biting the tail off a fractious ox.