Milestones, Mar. 21, 1938

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Died. Clarence Seward Darrow, 80, criminal lawyer, defender of underdogs, winner of lost causes; of heart disease; in Chicago. Agnostic, bitter opponent of capital punishment ("organized, legalized murder"), Darrow never prosecuted a case, never had a client executed. His great defenses: 1) Socialist Eugene Victor Debs, arrested (1894) on a charge of conspiracy in organizing an American Railway Union strike—acquitted; 2) William D. ("Big Bill") Haywood and colleagues, accused of plotting assassination (1905) of Idaho's Governor Steunenburg — acquitted; 3) Brothers John J. and James B. McNamara, charged (1911) with dynamiting the Los Angeles Times Building— imprisoned; 4) Nathan F. Leopold Jr. and Richard A. Loeb, for murder (1924) of 13-year-old Bobby Franks—life imprisonment rather than gallows on lunacy plea; 5) John Scopes, violation (1925) of Tennessee's anti-evolution statute—fined $100, after Darrow had quizzed William Jennings Bryan on the Bible's veracity (Bryan died at the conclusion of the trial); 6) Lieut. Thomas H. Massie, honor-murderer (1932) in Honolulu of Joseph Kahahawai Jr.—found guilty of manslaughter.

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