Letters: Oct. 27, 1930

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In appearance he is heavyset, heavy-jowled, almost bald. He lumbers when he walks. His dress is plain, neat. No orator, he speaks cautiously and without humor. His political motto: "Don't rock the boat." Out of Congress: He lives frugally at the Woodley Apartments in Washington, avoids society. He is uneasy among strangers, has few close friends. His hobby: solitaire. He smokes inexpensive cigars, is a devout Methodist, rides to the Capitol on the street car. He holds a part-time paid position on the national council of the Woodmen of the World. Each year he saves some of his $10,000 Congressional salary.

Impartial House observers rate him thus: a steady-going unimaginative partisan plodder, thoroughly conservative in his fiscal policies.

An experienced industrious legislator, an expert in government economics he lacks the personality to be a leader with bold initiative.—ED.

*They are not men but soulless monsters in human form.

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