Letters: Nov. 4, 1929

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You spelled "platitudes" wrong. See the very front page of TIME, Oct. 21, under picture of Harry Frank Guggenheim.

MRS. M. S. MCCALLUM Detroit, Mich.

Let Mrs. McCallum read the story and she will see that "He perused the Plattitudes" meant "He perused the Platt Amendment."—ED.



Reading "Miscellany" this evening upon arrival from my daily grind read "Judges" aloud to the wife and she handed me last night's News and said, "Good Night, I just read that in the News."

Some speed, or some joker, the News, which?

ARCH H. EVANS Detroit, Mich.

The Detroit News was late.—ED.

Carrie & Dave


In your article on p. 83 of TIME, Oct. 7 in regard to Carrie Nation, Carrie's second marriage was to Dave Nation, as he was called, of Holden, Mo., when he was also Editor of a weekly paper. Holden, Mo., is 16 miles west of "Warrensburg, Mo.," not in Kansas at all. Carrie's career made a great impression on the women. At our little town of Centreview, Mo., one day they organized a squad and wrecked a small joint that was operating in our village. Carrie would also snatch cigars out of the mouth of any one who was smoking, and "Dave" had quite a time keeping her out of trouble. H. W. ROOP

Natchitoches, La.

Cohen of Cambridge

Sirs: ... In TIME, Oct. 14, you say that Lawrence B. Cohen was arrested for handing out pamphlets expressing a Socialist welcome "to our distinguished visitor, Mr. MacDonald." This creates just the impression of unjust-martyrdom-for-a-worthy-cause which Socialist Cohen (pronounced Quinn) meant to be created.

Unfortunately the cause of Socialist Cohen's arrest was the violation of an old Cambridge ordinance which prohibits the distribution of free literature of any kind upon the streets. Had this rather bovine but no doubt well-meaning young man been distributing Salvation Army propaganda or fliers advertising the Policemen's Ball, he would have been just as liable to arrest, though whether he would have been arrested or not is another question.

May I add that Police Lieutenant Brennan, in fining Cohen $10, found nothing radical in the pamphlets; they merely stated that Socialism is probably the best cure for England now. . . .

W. N. FRANCIS Cambridge, Mass.

Youngstown & Shearer


On p. 14 of your issue of Sept. 30, you quote Senator Borah as saying, "The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company showed 145% increased earnings, and I do not suppose this includes Mr. Shearer's payment."

The Congressional Record of Sept. 16, p. 3794, shows Senator Borah made no reference to Mr. Shearer in connection with The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company.

Moreover the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company is not, and never was engaged in the shipbuilding business and has never employed Air. Shearer in any capacity whatsoever.

Unfortunately your misstatement has been widely circulated. . . .

LEROY A. MANCHESTER General Counsel Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. Youngstown, Ohio.

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