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In a Hungarian-Rumanian war the early odds would probably be slightly with Rumania. The regular army of Rumania numbers some 220,000 men, that of Hungary about 70,000. Rumania is also far ahead of Hungary in trained reserves. But whereas the Magyars have earned a reputation as fierce fighters, the Rumanians are known more for their resplendent uniforms than for their fighting.* In the long run Rumania's greater resources should tell, but the joker is that Hungary would be backed by the Third Reich. The possibility loomed last week for a few short hours that Soviet Russia might come to Rumania's aid, but the last thing King Carol wants is Soviet soldiers on his soil. He might find it difficult to get them out afterward.
Rumania also mobilized last week, but rather halfheartedly. The country has long depended on alliances rather than military power for defense. (She was a member of the now defunct Little Entente, is at present a member of the Balkan Entente.) For a day or two it seemed to the outside world that Britain and France might rescue her from German pressure. But in the end Rumania signed on the dotted line. With that signature Adolf Hitler made his biggest killing to date. This week Rumanian Premier Armand Calinescu pathetically denied that his country had lost any of her independence.
* Favorite Balkan legend: Rumanian officers wear corsets, use cosmetics.