With no loud cheers from either labor or management, the President this week named William Hammatt Davis chairman of his War Labor Board. The Administration took the silence as a tribute to the impartiality of Mr. Davis as chairman of the now-defunct National Defense Mediation Board. Other members of the new Board:
For the public—Vice Chairman George W. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania economics professor; Frank Graham, president of the University of North Carolina; Dean Wayne Morse, of the University of Oregon Law School.
For labor—Matthew Woll, A.F. of L. vice president; George Meany, A.F. of L. secretary-treasurer; R. J. Thomas, president of C.I.O.'s auto union; Thomas Kennedy, secretary-treasurer of C.I.O.'s mine workers.
For industry—Walter Teagle, chairman of Standard Oil; Roger Lapham, chairman of American-Hawaiian Steamship Co.; Albert W. Hawkes, chairman of Congoleum-Nairn; Edward J. McMillan, president of Standard Knitting Mills.