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In a broadcast to the French people their new Premier belligerently declared that "everything is being done to establish the hegemony of the Reich over a great part of Europe." If that came to pass "it will be all over with liberty. It will be all over with France." The 17-vote Premier said he was not too worried about acquiring strong Parliamentary backing. "Unity will come about," promised Paul Reynaud. "We don't want to attain it by adroit maneuvers but by results of our action. We are going to the test with our heads high, not prepared to submit but to master—with the souls of warriors and with the souls of victory."
The test, according to M. Reynaud, is whether everyone in France pitches in to increase production, especially of war materials. "Today that which is normal is insufficient," keynoted Paul Reynaud. "Even ahead of military victory, our diplomatic success will depend above all on our force—on the number of tanks, of guns, of airplanes we have."