Religion: For Pacifists

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Noncooperation in war is the course recommended to pacifists by the Handbook. As a matter of strategy when conscription begins, the pacifist is advised .to set his affairs in order, provide for his family, get his pastor to accompany him before a draft board where he will state his position. If he appears to be defying the law, he should seek to be tried early in Federal court rather than later by courtmartial. A pacifist might exhaust every means, legal or otherwise, of avoiding war service, and still be forced into the trenches. The Handbook lists a series of noncooperating steps which he might take, The list ends: "8. Go abroad but refuse to go to the front. 9. Go to the front but refuse to kill the enemy."

*American Friends Service Committee (Peace Section), Brethren Board of Christian Education, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Friends Book Committee, Methodist World Peace Commission, Mennonite Peace Society, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

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