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First warning of more serious effects came from Dr. Edwin E. Ziegler, pathologist of the U. S. Public Health Service, who reported that goldfish might contain tapeworms which, lodging in the intestinal tract, would give swallowers anemia. Nevertheless, collegiate swallowing continued.* Gordon ("Doc") Southworth, of Massachusetts' Middlesex University's School of Veterinary Medicine, stationed himself beside Soldiers Monument on Waltham Common with a pail of goldfish, in 14 minutes swallowed 67. At University of Missouri Marie Hansen became the first co-ed to swallow a goldfish. Champion at week's end: Clark University's Joseph Deliberato89 fish.
*At University of Chicago Junior John Patrick scoffed at "eastern sissies," chewed and swallowed two and one-half phonograph records, but was too fastidious to eat the labels.