Press: Mirror, Bible

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Originators of this smooth scheme were two tradepaper promoters who launched a trial Congratulations in Manhattan's maternity hospitals last year, then sold the idea to Mr. Sangster to develop nationally. In 1936 there were 831,500 hospital births in the U. S. Of these, Publisher Sangster figures that 200,000 were on a reasonably comfortable economic plane. Last week, for a similar number of prosperous mothers of 1937, Publisher Sangster had assembled a sheaf of cheery baby articles and practical hints, with nothing that might rouse the wrath of attending obstetricians. Playing no favorites, Publisher Sangster bound his first Congratulations impartially in pink & blue under a sanitary plastic cover. Hospitals are to be enlisted as distributors by printing each institution's name on the cover of its copies ind on a "birth certificate page" inside, said sanguine Daniel Sangster: "I hope to build Congratulations into the Bible of the baby business."

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