Sport: Olympic Games (Concl'd)

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The game was played at night, announced by a German who did not understand it. When it was over, a Nazi baseball expert described it: "Baseball began its successful career in the countries surrounding the Pacific Ocean. Both teams appeared with nine players. The team with red stockings attacked first. . . .

"The thrower throws the ball at a certain height toward the catcher of his team against the hitters of the adverse team. The catcher must catch the ball if it is not captured by the wooden baton of the hitter. The defending team also had four men who guarded the rhombus and tackled runners, as well as three people who guard the outlying section of the rhombus in order to capture the ball for their own team.

"After three invalid throws, a player is out and the same is true if the ball is caught and also if the ball is thrown into the rhombus before he finishes his run."

*Next ten countries, according to United Press ranking for the 119 events:








Great Britain......115



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